
Relevant Communications enables companies of all sizes to build loyal, enduring, and profitable business relationships through the ongoing exchange of relevant information with customers, prospects, investors, suppliers, employees, and business processes.

Communicate With

Relevant Communications provides solutions that address two distinct, but highly synergistic and interrelated disciplines...

Marketing   and   Business/Sales Automation

Marketing... Relevance provides the tools you need to design, create, distribute, track, and manage highly relevant and targeted marketing campaigns, in a variety of formats and media...

Business/Sales Automation... Relevance software products integrate with virtually any business process or application, using 'smart' documents with universal data access to pull together the information needed to create highly relevant content and data, and to interact with, and exchange that data with business processes throughout your organization, automatically or on-demand...

What's New

Relevant Communications adds RSS, Print, and Data Processing to augment the current E-Mail, Fax, Voice, and On-Demand content delivery engines.

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